forked from finn/site
2024-08-04 04:39:49 -07:00

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# Site Setup
### Sec:
- This repo is public. Mind cred slip-ups.
- Please note changes to /etc/sshd/sshd_conf made by lll script. If different method is used, audit manually.
- Note app Dockerfile debug console, found at /console. Werkzeug/flask is WILDLY insecure if left in dev/dbg.
- Avoid docker socks stuff.
### Install:
apt install unattended-upgrades docker.io docker-compose ufw ssh
apt install vim git tmux htop
Install? PROBABLY NOT, this runs entirely in alpine and would be nice to isolate:
apt install python3-flask python3-full pip
pip install mysql-connector-python
### Admin general:
usermod -aG docker finn
### Admin firewall:
ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow "OpenSSH"
ufw allow "WWW Full"
ufw enable
### Admin dns:
set up domainUpdate script\
set up cron job for script
### Filesystem:
docker dir (d)
certbot dns
tmp for awesome compose or compose sandboxing
site (main dc) TRACKED HERE
db - holds init script
proxy - important conf
backend - app
gitea - managed primarily by gitea
pmb-pf - git clone of my mail thing
other - ref and non-sensitive files for dns
### Setup cheat:
- set up certbot dns (prod)
- see tar of cert dir with script (prod)
- flask vs uwsgi in backend compose section (prod)
- build vs local image in pmb-pf compose section
- git clone pmb-pf
- copy example .env in root dir
- copy example .env in pmb-pf
- copy example conf in proxy
- do pmb-pf setup, and adjust root .env
- mind backend config db settings
### Notes:
This repo is minimally-sensitive. Falling outside the repo dir structure are reference awesome-compose files used as baseline -- nginx-flask-mysql -- and certs, containing letsencrypt script. Script may be backed up into repo carefully, sanitizing any tkens.
### Changing gitea subdomain:
Find in proxy/conf.\
Find in gitea conf.\
Rebuild images.
### Todo:
- gitea subdomain will require wildcard cert -- therefore "*.oily.dad" AND "oily.dad" DONE
- move more stuff from backend config into root .env