- should work with flask run locally and dockerfile build
- local dev
- local / venv pip install
- record versionless pips manually here
- pip freeze snapshots into project requirements
- docker build then copies frozen requirements
pip install flask
pip install python-dotenv
pip install flask-wtf
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
pip install flask-migrate
pip install flask-login
pip install email-validator
pip install pydenticon
pip freeze > requirements.txt
db cheat:
flask db migrate -m "users table"
flask db upgrade
flask db downgrade [base]
flask db upgrade
build notes:
Dockerfile needs dockerignore or preferably explicitly defined copies for:
- app
- config
- project dir
- requirements
- not dotflaskenv, vars set with dockerfile
- compose has entry that overrides flask with uwsgi for prod
- miminal environment vars come through project env, pass through compose
- no dotenv here, dotflaskenv goes into image
- keep env untracked but templated, dotflaskenv is tracked and public