proper ks init

This commit is contained in:
finn 2024-08-29 02:33:00 -07:00
parent c0df7f199c
commit 3d7ecf8ef3
10 changed files with 338 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- You can add your own plugins here or in other files in this directory!
-- I promise not to create any merge conflicts in this directory :)
-- See the kickstart.nvim README for more information
return {}

lua/kickstart/health.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- This file is not required for your own configuration,
-- but helps people determine if their system is setup correctly.
local check_version = function()
local verstr = tostring(vim.version())
if not then"Neovim out of date: '%s'. Upgrade to latest stable or nightly", verstr))
if, '0.10-dev') then"Neovim version is: '%s'", verstr))
else"Neovim out of date: '%s'. Upgrade to latest stable or nightly", verstr))
local check_external_reqs = function()
-- Basic utils: `git`, `make`, `unzip`
for _, exe in ipairs { 'git', 'make', 'unzip', 'rg' } do
local is_executable = vim.fn.executable(exe) == 1
if is_executable then"Found executable: '%s'", exe))
else"Could not find executable: '%s'", exe))
return true
return {
check = function() 'kickstart.nvim' [[NOTE: Not every warning is a 'must-fix' in `:checkhealth`
Fix only warnings for plugins and languages you intend to use.
Mason will give warnings for languages that are not installed.
You do not need to install, unless you want to use those languages!]]
local uv = vim.uv or vim.loop'System Information: ' .. vim.inspect(uv.os_uname()))

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-- autopairs
return {
event = 'InsertEnter',
-- Optional dependency
dependencies = { 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' },
config = function()
require('nvim-autopairs').setup {}
-- If you want to automatically add `(` after selecting a function or method
local cmp_autopairs = require 'nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp'
local cmp = require 'cmp'
cmp.event:on('confirm_done', cmp_autopairs.on_confirm_done())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
-- debug.lua
-- Shows how to use the DAP plugin to debug your code.
-- Primarily focused on configuring the debugger for Go, but can
-- be extended to other languages as well. That's why it's called
-- kickstart.nvim and not kitchen-sink.nvim ;)
return {
-- NOTE: Yes, you can install new plugins here!
-- NOTE: And you can specify dependencies as well
dependencies = {
-- Creates a beautiful debugger UI
-- Required dependency for nvim-dap-ui
-- Installs the debug adapters for you
-- Add your own debuggers here
keys = function(_, keys)
local dap = require 'dap'
local dapui = require 'dapui'
return {
-- Basic debugging keymaps, feel free to change to your liking!
{ '<F5>', dap.continue, desc = 'Debug: Start/Continue' },
{ '<F1>', dap.step_into, desc = 'Debug: Step Into' },
{ '<F2>', dap.step_over, desc = 'Debug: Step Over' },
{ '<F3>', dap.step_out, desc = 'Debug: Step Out' },
{ '<leader>b', dap.toggle_breakpoint, desc = 'Debug: Toggle Breakpoint' },
dap.set_breakpoint(vim.fn.input 'Breakpoint condition: ')
desc = 'Debug: Set Breakpoint',
-- Toggle to see last session result. Without this, you can't see session output in case of unhandled exception.
{ '<F7>', dapui.toggle, desc = 'Debug: See last session result.' },
config = function()
local dap = require 'dap'
local dapui = require 'dapui'
require('mason-nvim-dap').setup {
-- Makes a best effort to setup the various debuggers with
-- reasonable debug configurations
automatic_installation = true,
-- You can provide additional configuration to the handlers,
-- see mason-nvim-dap README for more information
handlers = {},
-- You'll need to check that you have the required things installed
-- online, please don't ask me how to install them :)
ensure_installed = {
-- Update this to ensure that you have the debuggers for the langs you want
-- Dap UI setup
-- For more information, see |:help nvim-dap-ui|
dapui.setup {
-- Set icons to characters that are more likely to work in every terminal.
-- Feel free to remove or use ones that you like more! :)
-- Don't feel like these are good choices.
icons = { expanded = '', collapsed = '', current_frame = '*' },
controls = {
icons = {
pause = '',
play = '',
step_into = '',
step_over = '',
step_out = '',
step_back = 'b',
run_last = '▶▶',
terminate = '',
disconnect = '',
dap.listeners.after.event_initialized['dapui_config'] =
dap.listeners.before.event_terminated['dapui_config'] = dapui.close
dap.listeners.before.event_exited['dapui_config'] = dapui.close
-- Install golang specific config
require('dap-go').setup {
delve = {
-- On Windows delve must be run attached or it crashes.
-- See
detached = vim.fn.has 'win32' == 0,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-- Adds git related signs to the gutter, as well as utilities for managing changes
-- NOTE: gitsigns is already included in init.lua but contains only the base
-- config. This will add also the recommended keymaps.
return {
opts = {
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local gitsigns = require 'gitsigns'
local function map(mode, l, r, opts)
opts = opts or {}
opts.buffer = bufnr
vim.keymap.set(mode, l, r, opts)
-- Navigation
map('n', ']c', function()
if vim.wo.diff then
vim.cmd.normal { ']c', bang = true }
gitsigns.nav_hunk 'next'
end, { desc = 'Jump to next git [c]hange' })
map('n', '[c', function()
if vim.wo.diff then
vim.cmd.normal { '[c', bang = true }
gitsigns.nav_hunk 'prev'
end, { desc = 'Jump to previous git [c]hange' })
-- Actions
-- visual mode
map('v', '<leader>hs', function()
gitsigns.stage_hunk { vim.fn.line '.', vim.fn.line 'v' }
end, { desc = 'stage git hunk' })
map('v', '<leader>hr', function()
gitsigns.reset_hunk { vim.fn.line '.', vim.fn.line 'v' }
end, { desc = 'reset git hunk' })
-- normal mode
map('n', '<leader>hs', gitsigns.stage_hunk, { desc = 'git [s]tage hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hr', gitsigns.reset_hunk, { desc = 'git [r]eset hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hS', gitsigns.stage_buffer, { desc = 'git [S]tage buffer' })
map('n', '<leader>hu', gitsigns.undo_stage_hunk, { desc = 'git [u]ndo stage hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hR', gitsigns.reset_buffer, { desc = 'git [R]eset buffer' })
map('n', '<leader>hp', gitsigns.preview_hunk, { desc = 'git [p]review hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hb', gitsigns.blame_line, { desc = 'git [b]lame line' })
map('n', '<leader>hd', gitsigns.diffthis, { desc = 'git [d]iff against index' })
map('n', '<leader>hD', function()
gitsigns.diffthis '@'
end, { desc = 'git [D]iff against last commit' })
-- Toggles
map('n', '<leader>tb', gitsigns.toggle_current_line_blame, { desc = '[T]oggle git show [b]lame line' })
map('n', '<leader>tD', gitsigns.toggle_deleted, { desc = '[T]oggle git show [D]eleted' })

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
return {
{ -- Add indentation guides even on blank lines
-- Enable `lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim`
-- See `:help ibl`
main = 'ibl',
opts = {},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
return {
{ -- Linting
event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
config = function()
local lint = require 'lint'
lint.linters_by_ft = {
markdown = { 'markdownlint' },
-- To allow other plugins to add linters to require('lint').linters_by_ft,
-- instead set linters_by_ft like this:
-- lint.linters_by_ft = lint.linters_by_ft or {}
-- lint.linters_by_ft['markdown'] = { 'markdownlint' }
-- However, note that this will enable a set of default linters,
-- which will cause errors unless these tools are available:
-- {
-- clojure = { "clj-kondo" },
-- dockerfile = { "hadolint" },
-- inko = { "inko" },
-- janet = { "janet" },
-- json = { "jsonlint" },
-- markdown = { "vale" },
-- rst = { "vale" },
-- ruby = { "ruby" },
-- terraform = { "tflint" },
-- text = { "vale" }
-- }
-- You can disable the default linters by setting their filetypes to nil:
-- lint.linters_by_ft['clojure'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['dockerfile'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['inko'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['janet'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['json'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['markdown'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['rst'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['ruby'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['terraform'] = nil
-- lint.linters_by_ft['text'] = nil
-- Create autocommand which carries out the actual linting
-- on the specified events.
local lint_augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('lint', { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', 'BufWritePost', 'InsertLeave' }, {
group = lint_augroup,
callback = function()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- Neo-tree is a Neovim plugin to browse the file system
return {
version = '*',
dependencies = {
'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', -- not strictly required, but recommended
cmd = 'Neotree',
keys = {
{ '\\', ':Neotree reveal<CR>', desc = 'NeoTree reveal', silent = true },
opts = {
filesystem = {
window = {
mappings = {
['\\'] = 'close_window',

9 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
echo "Full nuke in 5 secs. Control-C to stop."
sleep 6
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm init.lua
rm lazy-lock.json
rm -rf plugins/